How often do you praise your successful people for their achievements? How often do you take the opportunity to celebrate success on a project? It’s easy to get caught up in our everyday routines and forget to appreciate and reflect on our team’s achievements.

Back in the day, the expectation was that you would have to reward employees with pay rises, promotions and a cozy corner office.

But celebrating successes and rewarding employees doesn’t require such big gestures. Employees are on the hunt for a new breed of employer – one that genuinely makes them feel valued and offers opportunities that truly enrich their lives. Today’s multigenerational workforce wants their achievements to be seen, valued, and appreciated.

Celebrating is essential for social bonding and connecting with one another. In this blog, we share 5 simple ways you can celebrate project successes.



A simple “Thank you” goes a long way. Recognising your employees publicly for their amazing job is the nicest gift you can give them. Tell them in detail about all the valuable contributions they provide and the impact that has. It will literally take a few minutes, but the impression will endure a long time.


In some cases, you may chose to reward them. There are several reward schemes available these days, and digital vouchers are available at the click of a button. We recently sent fresh donuts to an employee’s house as a surprise using Deliveroo to show them how much we appreciated them. It was an instant reward that made them smile.


Post your team member’s success story on the company’s social media platform, such as LinkedIn and Instagram. Not only does it publicly acknowledge good work, it also provides everyone with valuable insight into the work culture of your company. It promotes authenticity, establishes brand identity, and creates a human connection with external audiences.


Come rain or shine, we come together as a team to celebrate end-of-project successes! Just the other day, we went out as a team to grab a pizza and celebrate a major project milestone. Any success at work calls for a celebratory party!


We have ‘Learning Communities’ within our business where we come together quarterly to share best practices and lessons learned from projects that we have delivered, and discuss useful tools and resources that could help one another grow. As part of this, we shine the spotlight on individuals who have successfully delivered projects to share what they have done – it gives them an opportunity to shine! We also encourage them to take time out to learn and provide flexibility to enable this. Learning is one of the best employee rewards.

We hope this blog has helped inspire you to celebrate your project successes and given you some ideas on how to do this!

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